
OXYGEN embraces a future-looking mindset


Managing growth, identifying and attracting the right talent, and remaining agile in a highly unpredictable environment were the main challenges OXYGEN faced last year. Business Review spoke to Tereza Tranakas, Founder & CEO of OXYGEN, who highlighted the company’s key achievements last year and revealed the recipe for its success.


What is your leadership style and how does it support your company’s performance?

I empower people and I do my best to lead by example, setting forth a vision and series of core values that act as our North Star. I acknowledge the fact that the company’s performance is the team’s merit, under the guidance of its top management. I work side by side with my team, with continued passion and dedication for what we do, aiming to evolve and develop ourselves and our company. Last but not least, I believe Romania is a good place to do business—it offers many possibilities for growth and development. I am also happy to see that there are many women-led businesses that are thriving here, as we are an open and inclusive society.


What were your main professional achievements in 2023?

I am grateful for the fact that Oxygen has become a positive reference on the highly competitive market of advertising & communication. Fifteen years since our establishment, it is truly rewarding to see that our hard work, dedication, and strong strategic and creative forces are yielding results and bringing us to a leading position on the market as an independent, forward-thinking communications agency. In terms of numbers, we are the only agency with two offices—in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca—and a Sustainability department, a super team of 70 passionate and creative communication professionals, a diverse client portfolio made up primarily of dozens of large multinationals from various industries as well as several local clients, and a turnover of EUR 7.5 million for 2022, which positions us among the leading integrated agencies on the market.

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Tereza Tranakas Oxygen

Artificial intelligence driving innovation in creative industries

Tereza Tranakas Oxygen

In charge of Oxygen, one of the top integrated communications agencies on the market with offices in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca and a team of 80 professionals, Tereza Tranakas has more than 20 years of experience working in brand and corporate communications. She sat down with Business Review and shared her outlook for 2024.

How do you see the market faring this year?

We must keep in mind the bigger picture when we consider this year’s outlook. In fact, in terms of economic growth, Romania has been a bright spot on a rather dismal European landscape. According to analysts, real GDP growth is set to rebound in 2024 and remain strong by EU standards in 2025-28. The solid private sector has been and will continue to be the key driver to Romania’s steady growth.

To all the sceptics I say that Romania has been lucky to have experienced steady economic and social development over all these years, despite the geopolitical turbulence at our doorstep.

Within this context, we also expect the marcomm industry to fare better than last year, as we’ve seen a general improvement in numbers and output after the pandemic.

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Tereza Tranakas (Oxygen): Creativity is the superpower of the future


Oxygen is one of the leading communications agencies on the market, with offices in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca. BR sat down with Tereza Tranakas, CEO Oxygen, and found out more about how the agency’s first 15 years unfolded.

How would Oxygen’s first 15 years look in numbers?

Fifteen years from our establishment, I am grateful and happy to see our hard work and determination bringing us to a leading position in the market, as an independent forward-thinking communications agency with offices in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca.

In terms of numbers: we are the only agency with two offices – Bucharest & Cluj-Napoca and a Sustainability department, a super team of 70 passionate and creative communication professionals, a diverse client portfolio comprised primarily of tens of large multinationals from various industries as well as local clients, and turnovers of EUR 7.5 million for 2022, placing us among the leading integrated agencies on the market.

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Irina Manole_Head of Sustainability & CSR Oxygen

Irina Manole (Oxygen): „Consumers, partners and employees are increasingly asking for information about the companies’ sustainable practices”

Irina Manole_Head of Sustainability & CSR Oxygen

Oxygen is the first integrated communications agency in Romania to offset its carbon footprint and become carbon-neutral. The agency also launches a new department providing companies strategic consulting and communication services on sustainability. These initiatives are part of Oxygen’s commitment to contribute to the fight against climate change and support companies on their business sustainability journey. AdHugger talked more details with Irina Manole, Head of Sustainability & CSR at Oxygen.

At Oxygen you consider that the brand reputation is built through authentic dialogue and great content. What happens in sustainability from this point of view?

Businesses have a substantial role to play in collective climate action and we see more and more how they use their influence to engage communities and build public appetite for sustainability. There is still a need for a lot of education on this subject, and effective marketing and communication campaigns can contribute to sustainability learning on many levels, by framing or shaping new perceptions or by building empathetic discourses that can change ways of thinking and behaving. Above all, it’s important not just to talk about being a sustainable business, but to practice what we preach and make sustainability part of the business-as-usual approach.

Moreover, at Oxygen, you decided to consider sustainability and the environment a true priority by becoming the first communication agency in Romania to be carbon neutral. What convinced you to take that decision and what is next for 2022-2023?…

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BR Interview | Tereza Tranakas: We chose to adopt a future-ready mindset

The last two years have been one of the most challenging ones in recent history, with companies having to adapt and be very resilient and strong in order to survive a never-before-seen situation. With no means to compare it to anything else.  Still, 2021 proved to be good for the Romanian marcomm industry, especially for those companies that knew how to drive the trends and be flexible.

BR talked with Tereza Tranakas, CEO at OXYGEN , about the year that just unfolded, pandemics, the agency’s growth, innovation, as well as what she expects and wishes for 2022.

How would you describe the year 2021 for Oxygen?
We’ve had a very active 2021, and I can refer to it as a recovery year after the pandemic stroke in 2020, when the entire advertising industry was hit hard. Last year we saw some positive signs of recovery giving us hope for what’s to come. Our agency’s achievements in 2021 were many: from innovative and award-winning projects for existing clients, to many new client wins for both our Bucharest and Cluj offices. At Oxygen, we have a fantastic client portfolio across many industries from telecoms, technology, appliances, energy, banking & finance, FMCGs, entertainment, gaming, real estate, heavy industry, fashion and more…

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[Noul context] Tereza Tranakas: Brandurile încearcă să mențină un echilibru

Tereza Tranakas

Managing Partner. Oxygen

Dupa ce trece perioada de varf a pandemiei in Romania, vom ajunge cu totii la o zona de acceptare si vom avea nevoie de o noua normalitate, spune Tereza Tranakas, Managing Partner OXYGEN.

Va fi nevoie de asta pentru noi toti. Viata va merge mai departe si comunicarea de asemenea. Pana atunci, insa, e nevoie de adaptare, reinventare si echilibru. O parte din clienti au inghetat proiectele, altii  au aplicat masuri de siguranta si continua sa fie activi. Va urma o perioada cu campanii facute de la distanta.

Cu siguranta, vor fi “raw” asa cum este totul in aceasta perioada, spune Tereza: mai autentic, fara multe retusuri, natural

Impactul în business

Odata cu decretul de urgenta, lucrurile au inceput sa se schimbe, proiecte amanate sau puse on hold.

Primele măsuri pe care le-am luat:

  • Work from home & siguranta angajatilor
  • Asigurarea unei platforme digitale de comunicare pentru echipa pentru business continuity
  • Statusuri si noi moduri de lucru interne, grija pentru motivarea echipei
  • Evaluare financiara, restrangerea costurilor operationale si in general, a cheltuielilor pentru a asigura continuitate
  • Contact zilnic cu toti clientii pentru a-i sprijini in mod proactiv in toata aceasta perioada
  • In general, multa proactivitate catre clienti
  • Readaptarea unor proiecte pentru mediul digital
  • Intensificarea eforturilor de new business
  • Set de reguli in comunicare pentru branduri pentru perioada Covid
  • Setarea unui content hub
  • Angrenarea companiilor intr-un task force de sustinere a demersurilor anti-Covid, alaturi de autoritati

Reguli de pitch — Pitch-ul este un reset pentru echipă, mai ales pentru creație și strategie

Andreea Filip

New Business Director Oxygen

Andreea observa deadline-uri tot mai stranse in organizarea pitchurilor din Romania. Timpul nu mai are rabdare in industrie din doua motive, crede Andreea: fie exista o “sete” de proiecte, fie o deficienta la nivel de planificare, de partea clientului.

Din dorinta de a castiga, de a mai adauga inca un brand in portofoliu sau de a multumi un client existent, mai acceptam uneori si deadlines “de azi pe maine”.

Nu este, insa, o practica benefică. Acceptand, cream o serie recurenta de precedente si, implicit, apar asteptari tot mai mari dar nu si neaparat realiste la client.

Ieșirea din convenţional — În online este "locul de joacă" al brandurilor

Sînziana Focșa

Communications Strategist Oxygen

Neconvenţionalul diferă nu doar în funcţie de ce crede clientul sau agenţia, dar și în funcţie de categoriile sociale cărora se adresează, spune Sînziana.

Sânziana dă și un exemplu: o colaborare cu un cântăreţ de manele pentru un brand de băuturi alcoolice din zona economy părea ceva total neconvenţional pentru echipa de comunicare, în timp ce asocierea ar fi părut mult mai naturală pentru oamenii din target.

Până la urmă, campaniile neconvenţionale înseamnă asumarea unui risc, spune Sânziana, iar aceste riscuri blochează de cele mai multe ori ideile care rămân la stadiu de “ce ar fi fost dacă”.

După 10 ani — Acum 10-12 ani, PR-ul era încă o rudă mai săracă a marketingului

Ruxandra Marin

Senior Partner Oxygen

PR-ul s-a schimbat aproape radical în ultimii 10 ani, datorită digitalizarii, a noilor canale și a schimbărilor din presă, spune Ruxandra.

Acum, omul de PR trebuie să fie un bun strateg, un fel de creator de hărți, iar skill-urile specialiștilor din domeniu sunt mult mai vaste decât în urmă cu 10 ani. În 2009, Ruxandra trecea din corporaţie în agenţie și intra în echipa Oxygen.

Veneam dintr-o mare corporaţie, cu reguli și proceduri stricte și, când am ajuns în agenţie, eram atât de dornică să învăţ, să experimentez și să mă exprim, încât nici o provocare nu îmi părea prea grea.

Concluziile lui 2018 — Brandurile au început să ia o poziţie în chestiuni sociale. Este un val fresh de conţinut care umanizeaza brandurile

Adina Trandaf

Client Service Director Oxygen

PR-ul inseamna tot mai mult Social Media, spune Adina Trandaf, Client Service Director OXYGEN, agentie care a sarbatorit 10 ani pe piata din Romania si a deschis o filiala la Cluj Napoca.

Iar social media ofera un spatiu liber de joaca pentru PR. Dar mai inseamna si presiunea lui “acum” si nevoia de a te adapta continuu. In 2018, Adina pune sus pe lista cu lucruri bune curajul si implicarea sociala a brandurilor.

Am prins mai mult curaj, am spus lucrurilor pe nume si am indemnat brandurile cu care lucram sa faca acelasi lucru.

PR-ul a trecut printr-o transformare majora in ultimii ani si acum se simte nevoia, la nivel de industrie, sa ii dam o noua definitie, sa il repozitionam, mai spune Adina. Cum s-a vazut asta in 2018, in bilantul ei de mai jos.